Nicklaus Cup Matches set for Canada’s Nicklaus North Golf Course

Teams for the Nicklaus Companies’ 31st annual Nicklaus Cup Matches are filling quickly. The tournament will be held Sunday, August 24th, to Wednesday, August 27th, at Jack Nicklaus-designed Nicklaus North Golf Course in Whistler, British Columbia.

In 1983, golf professionals from four Jack Nicklaus-designed golf courses conceived the idea of an annual competition between the members of these clubs. The concept gave rise to the first Jack Nicklaus Cup Matches that took place in the spring of 1984. The participating teams included members from Annandale, Lochinvar, Castle Pines and Shoal Creek. Now, the Matches attract teams from around the world.

Since its inception, the matches have been held to provide the Nicklaus family of courses a fun and challenging event. The tournament has proven to be an excellent format for keen competition, but more importantly as an opportunity to establish camaraderie among Nicklaus-affiliated golf clubs.

Please contact Ted Hines at immediately to reserve your spot.

Nicklaus North Golf Course

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